Monday, March 23, 2009

Upcoming economic events around Central Michigan

Central's Public Radio station is having a show talking about the economy with a special call-in section at 8 pm. The show starts at 7. I do believe that Congressman Dave Camp is on this week.
You can stream the show live on-line at:

Here's where you can find more information on the radio program:

Also, on Central's campus this week, Barry Goldwater Jr. will be coming to talk about the economy on Thursday March 26 at 6 pm in Brooks 176. It's worth the trip, and it's going to be worth the time for students who also have questions.

Tomorrow, I personally have an interview with Dennis Dunlap, the alma director at Michigan Public works. Hopefully, I'll get to videotape the interview which I'll post here.

If you know of any events within the Mount Pleasant or Mid-Michigan area and want to mention it, feel free to leave a comment below.
If you have a story you want to tell, you can also comment or you can e-mail me at:

please write: ECONOMIC MATTERS in the subject line for quicker replies. Thank you,

Phone Interview with Sage Eastman

Sage Eastman, the PR secretary for David Camp, the congressman looking over Mid-Michigan, spoke with me today about the senator's stance on the issues.

"The economy needs to have greater attention paid to it," said Eastman. "I mean, when we have the president signing the brackets for the NCAA, I think you know it's time to focus more on the economy."

When mentioning the job loss in Michigan, Eastman said, "We're losing thousands of jobs daily."

We talked briefly as well about the stimulus package that was passed recently, as Eastman replied, "David Camp is opposed to the stimulus because it spends way too much money that doesn't affect the economy right now. It does very little to stimulate growth. Even Mark Zandi, a private economist, said that it would take years to implement the parts of the stimulus package."

When asked about what Sen. David Camp thinks would help stimulate the economy, Eastman suggested that Camp advocates for "tax relief for families and small businesses."

How do you feel about what Eastman has said? Feel free to leave a comment, or email me at:
Got a story? I want to hear it!
Make sure the subject line states: ECONOMIC MATTERS for quicker replies.
Thank you, and there's more to come.

Economic Matters Blog

Welcome! If you came here, please bookmark (or favorite) the link as I will be adding more information as it becomes available. Feel free to leave a comment about your personal experiences on the blog.

If you have a story about how the recession has affected you, and you'd like to share it, please email me at:

Please type in the subject line: ECONOMY MATTERS for faster replies.

Thank you,
R.e. Whipple