Friday, April 17, 2009

Talking about the Free Market.

Here's one video about what the free market is.

The video he responded to:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily News Roundup: Jobloss and Bailouts.

In Michigan, it's going to be announced Friday that the loss rate is going to jump to 12.6 percent, up from 12 percent. Though the jump is still unsettling and hard for Michigan residents, the rise doesn't come as a shock. The difference from this year from last year is a 5 percent change.

If you were unemployed and looking to enjoy the outdoors, the park may not be there to your advantage. In a Wall Street Journal article, state parks are receiving budget cuts.

From the article: "It's rare if a state is not having pretty serious problems," said Philip K. McKnelly, the executive director of the National Association of State Park Directors. He said many states expect their parks budgets will be cut 10% to 15% from the year before.

And, finally, from a Bloomberg Press article:
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher said “grim” figures indicate the world’s largest economy shrank steeply last quarter.

“The economic data in the U.S. is quite grim, and I expect a contraction at an equally dismal rate in the first quarter,” Fisher said in a speech today in Hong Kong. He reiterated his prediction that the jobless rate may exceed 10 percent this year.

Column: Politics and Economy; an open letter to my readers

Editors Note: these are personal opinions expressed by myself. I was going to report on the story, but I found it very difficult. Therefore, to maintain the spirit that my blog should be as unbiased as possible, I decided not to run the story.

Sitting in the middle of the aisle, the feeling of indignation washed over me. Did anyone sense the same thing I was feeling too, or was I the only one? The speaker, Lawrence Reed, made an uncomfortable joke about how President Franklin Roosevelt had tried to stuff the Supreme Court in a proposed bill but was shot down, "probably because of all the happenings in Europe and Germany."

I blinked. Reed had mentioned dictatorships and the president of the United States in the same breath. He actually alluded to FDR as be likened to Hitler. Sure, it was inductive, but still.

Students took notes. Of course they would. It was being offered as extra credit for classes. The name of the lecture was indeed called "Lesson from the Great Depression".

And, the allusions to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and today's President Barack Obama were very apparent. When had economics been political? I never realized before.

More astute students would have noticed that the organization paired with the Students for a Free Economy was the Campus Conservatives. However I knew about that, the fact of the matter was that I was not ready to confront the idea that money and politics were two sides of the same coin.

So, as a journalist, I'm now aware that there are two large schools of thought within the economy. Portraying as much as I can from both sides has now become my major goal.

Once a week, I will read from a school of thought and summarize the arguments. Because the job of a journalist, the job of a citizen, the job of a person in this world is to be informed, to stay informed, and to know what's out there.

This is my goal for myself and for you.
Thank you for reading,
R.e. Whipple

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Stories?
Feel free to e-mail me at

Daily News Roundup: Bailout

In national news, apparently Obama has five pillars to his plan to help save the economy. I'll give you the short list, but you can find the full list here:

1. Investment in Education
2. Investment in renewable energy and technology
3. New Rules for Wall Street
4. Health care Reform
5. Deficit reduction

Heads up auto industry. You're not important in Michigan anymore. At least, that's what's being said in a report (via
Directly from the article:
"The decline in autos is part of an irreversible new reality that manufacturing is no longer a sustainable source of high-paid jobs," the report from the Ann Arbor think tank Michigan Future Inc. states. "The world has changed fundamentally. We either adjust to the changes or we will continue to get poorer compared to the nation."

Straight from a Washington Post article:
The president and the Federal Reserve chairman voiced cautious optimism yesterday that the economy could be beginning to stabilize. But the economy wasn't cooperating.
That's okay, though, because according to a L.A. times article, people who responded to a gallup poll 71 percent of those interviewed said they placed "a great deal or a fair amount" of confidence in the president to bring about an economic recovery.

Also, remembering the words of Richard Levick from the speech he gave earlier this month on Central Michigan's campus: "We're probably going to be out of the recession within two years because of the level of communication and technology today. They'll probably be a couple of misfires, but it'll be pretty much wrapped up in two years time."

More to come later today!

Daily News Round Up: What's the deal with Tea Party protests?

If you're insufferably outside the news loop, you're probably wondering what's going on today with all of these protests? Well, here's a few basic background facts about the astroturf grassroots* protests that are occurring around the nation today:

Who are these people protesting?

Generally speaking, the people who are protesting in the "Tea Party Day" protests are Americans of slightly right-leaning, conservative economic stances. Advertised on news outlets such as Fox News, the movement has gained some momentum. (The official website.) However, technically speaking, the website states that, "The Tax Day Tea Party is a national collaborative grassroots effort organized by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter, the DontGo Movement and many other online groups/coalitions."

*though called grassroots, organizations such as "Media Matters" which lean to the left are quick to point out that Fox News Channel aggressively promoting the day. A second article on the issue from Media Matters.

Why are they doing it?
To protest the stimulus package which a lot of conservatives have marked as fiscally irresponsible which destroys the possibility for a free market. (To read more here)

Why is it called the "Tea Party Protest?"
Directly from the website:
The Tea Party protests, in their current form, began in early 2009 when Rick Santelli, the On Air Editor for CNBC, set out on a rant to expose the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House Administration and Congress. Specifically, the flawed “Stimulus Bill” and pork filled budget.

During Rick’s rant (see video below), he called for a “Chicago tea Party” where advocates of the free-market system could join in a protest against out of control government spending.

(However, it should be noted that Santelli is not participating in the protests. )

If you've got pictures, free free to e-mail them to me at
I'd love to see what you've got.

Daily News Round up:Job loss.

Heads up, Michigan, Oregon is giving us a run for our unemployement money. Apparently, the new adjusted figures from last month show Oregon as hitting 12.1 percent job loss. At least, that's according to the Portland Business Journal article. The new figures should be out Friday for the nation, so I'll keep you updated as it comes out.

In benefits news, apparently Governor Granholm signed another extension that allows for unemployment benefits for up to 79 weeks while people look for a new job (via news 3 blurb). This is adding another 7 weeks onto the benefits, if you weren't sure.

How do you cut costs in your families expense budget? This freep article gives you a couple more good ideas.

More businesses are closing this year. Top of the list currently? Starbucks. They just release a list of 200 stores that will be closing nationwide. But, don't Michiganders. We're only losing two stores.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Economic Seminars this week: Central Michigan University

For those of you still keeping up on economic issues, there are a few opportunities to learn about things this week.

First, there's a presentation starting at 5 pm in the Park Library Auditorium about Financial Literacy. From the Web site:

In conjunction with Isabella Bank and Trust, the Central Michigan University Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society is offering a presentation on financial literacy. Topics will include money management,
credit, lending, and investment. The presentation will be
geared toward students to better equip them for a
post-collegiate world.

After that, at 7:30 pm, in the same room (Park Library Auditorium), there will be another presentation about the financial market. Called, "Lessons from the Great Depression"
From their Web site:

SFE is proud to work with CMU Collegiate Forum and Campus Conservatives to bring in noted speaker, author, and thinker Lawrence W. Reed to discuss the Great Depression and its many lessons for us today in the current economic climate. Reed’s well-known publication “Great Myths of the Great Depression” is as timely today as ever, and we’d be foolish to ignore the lessons of history.