Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Daily Round Up: Michigan Economy [now with personal glib!]

"You want to make a plan for tomorrow. Right now, you work hard all day long and go home worried about losing your job the next day," he said, standing outside the entrance of the plant that makes Dodge Ram and Dakota pickup trucks. Read about it.

“The unemployment numbers in Michigan continue to stack up, with layoffs announced seemingly on a daily basis,” Hoekstra said. “Lansing needs to implement the right policies and incentives to again become an attractive destination for job providers and new business investment.” Read the article

However, it should be noted to readers that Pete Hoekstra is running for Governor in 2010. His website here
[Personally, and feel free to ignore my opinion, the man looks like John McCain except less dynamic. He talks like a republican and spins the "I want to have a conversation" line worse than Hillary Clinton.]

Not really economy related, but can Sports wins help take your mind off the unemployment? Maybe.
[From the home newspaper for me, CM life.]

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