Monday, March 30, 2009

Editoral: Where's the revolution?

The Article the inspired me

Why aren't we standing up, screaming and shouting, stomping and rampaging? Why aren't we filling the streets with angry, pitchfork grabbing mobs? Where's the fire? Where's the passion? Where's the anger, people?

Aren't you mad as hell and not going to take it anymore?

I have been. I made a few personal vlogs about it (and, they weren't my finest hour, for sure), but at least it was something. Maybe that's where the revolution is taking place. On twitter, on facebook, and on youtube... maybe.

There's something that the 60s had that my generation somewhat lacks: the ability to organize. Some professors on Central Michigan's campus would love to assert that we're not motivated to gather. I find that personal ridiculous. In fact, I grope to find time for myself away from organizations. Though, going back to my community college days, I've always been a club whore filling up my time with organizational meetings and outreach programs.

I know that people like protesting when they get to do it. In May 2008, I was doing a "mock" protest for a French class to remember Mai 1968, a time when France completely shut down because of protesting Parisian laborers.

And, then, again, in September of 2008 (around the time all the economic issues were going down), Central Michigan students protested a very "inflammatory" religious leader.

If that's the case, what's the problem? Isn't this affecting Central Students? Not directly; no. It's sad, but if it doesn't inconvenience the college kids directly, they don't really care.

For example, there would be hell to pay if you take away their distractions like cellphones, ipods, or facebook apps. But, talk to them about the economy, and you get a lot of blank stares.

"What, the economy? I don't know what's going on with all of that."

I usually get brushed off when I bring it up. President Obama will handle it.

Maybe it's ignorance then. I know that at the end of the semester when all these graduates of our fine university get dumped into a very unstable, very scary, very shaky economy that can't sustain the workers we have right now, I know that a few more people will start to care.

The hearts of young people are there; it just hasn't been realized that it's a viable protest worthy thing yet.

Until then, I'm just twittering my thumbs about the issue.
Or, just twittering.

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