Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily News Round up:Job loss.

Heads up, Michigan, Oregon is giving us a run for our unemployement money. Apparently, the new adjusted figures from last month show Oregon as hitting 12.1 percent job loss. At least, that's according to the Portland Business Journal article. The new figures should be out Friday for the nation, so I'll keep you updated as it comes out.

In benefits news, apparently Governor Granholm signed another extension that allows for unemployment benefits for up to 79 weeks while people look for a new job (via news 3 blurb). This is adding another 7 weeks onto the benefits, if you weren't sure.

How do you cut costs in your families expense budget? This freep article gives you a couple more good ideas.

More businesses are closing this year. Top of the list currently? Starbucks. They just release a list of 200 stores that will be closing nationwide. But, don't Michiganders. We're only losing two stores.

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