Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily News Roundup: Bailout

In national news, apparently Obama has five pillars to his plan to help save the economy. I'll give you the short list, but you can find the full list here:

1. Investment in Education
2. Investment in renewable energy and technology
3. New Rules for Wall Street
4. Health care Reform
5. Deficit reduction

Heads up auto industry. You're not important in Michigan anymore. At least, that's what's being said in a report (via
Directly from the article:
"The decline in autos is part of an irreversible new reality that manufacturing is no longer a sustainable source of high-paid jobs," the report from the Ann Arbor think tank Michigan Future Inc. states. "The world has changed fundamentally. We either adjust to the changes or we will continue to get poorer compared to the nation."

Straight from a Washington Post article:
The president and the Federal Reserve chairman voiced cautious optimism yesterday that the economy could be beginning to stabilize. But the economy wasn't cooperating.
That's okay, though, because according to a L.A. times article, people who responded to a gallup poll 71 percent of those interviewed said they placed "a great deal or a fair amount" of confidence in the president to bring about an economic recovery.

Also, remembering the words of Richard Levick from the speech he gave earlier this month on Central Michigan's campus: "We're probably going to be out of the recession within two years because of the level of communication and technology today. They'll probably be a couple of misfires, but it'll be pretty much wrapped up in two years time."

More to come later today!

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