Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily News Roundup: Jobloss and Bailouts.

In Michigan, it's going to be announced Friday that the loss rate is going to jump to 12.6 percent, up from 12 percent. Though the jump is still unsettling and hard for Michigan residents, the rise doesn't come as a shock. The difference from this year from last year is a 5 percent change.

If you were unemployed and looking to enjoy the outdoors, the park may not be there to your advantage. In a Wall Street Journal article, state parks are receiving budget cuts.

From the article: "It's rare if a state is not having pretty serious problems," said Philip K. McKnelly, the executive director of the National Association of State Park Directors. He said many states expect their parks budgets will be cut 10% to 15% from the year before.

And, finally, from a Bloomberg Press article:
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher said “grim” figures indicate the world’s largest economy shrank steeply last quarter.

“The economic data in the U.S. is quite grim, and I expect a contraction at an equally dismal rate in the first quarter,” Fisher said in a speech today in Hong Kong. He reiterated his prediction that the jobless rate may exceed 10 percent this year.

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